Inspired by the Barbara Cooney illustrations in "Miss Rumphius," a children's book he read to his daughters, Bruno Schickel designed and built Boiceville Cottages beginning in 1996.
140 tiny houses and two dog parks later, Boiceville Cottages is complete. If the mood strikes, follow @boiceville_ on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for tiny house shots, community photos, and local events.
Bruno opened Boiceville Cottages' sister tiny house community, La Bourgade on Seneca, in July 2017. Located in Burdett, New York on the hillside overlooking Seneca Lake, La Bourgade on Seneca is surrounded by award-winning wineries and distilleries. 12 month leases are available for the first nine tiny houses. Submit a rental inquiry today.
Read more about Bruno at Schickel Construction Co., and in this 2008 New York Times article, and this 2013 New York Times article.